Monday, April 9, 2012


It's the smell of the earth...almost something you want to take a bite of

It's the delicate green bud on the tree that is barely discernible up close, but against the backdrop of a pure Carolina Blue sky, it casts a neon glow

It's the feel of the dirt under your fingernails when you dig into the warm loamy soil.

It's the pungent odor of the wild garlic that mimics the smell of cut onions as you mow the lawn.

It's the colors of white, yellow, orange, gold, pink, fuchsia, red, purple, every green imaginable and then some that appears on trees, shrubs, bare branches and thin stalks arising from the ground.

It's the tree frog sending out it mating call in the evening.

It's the symphony of birdsong in the early morning , in the middle of the day and just before dusk

It is knowing that despite everything you may feel on your worst day, that the best day is yet to come.

It's the promise of possibilities.