Friday, August 17, 2012

Swamp Sista: in the Hood!

I have recently had the privilege of joining a unique and interesting group of women.  I am a "Swamp Sista"
Now, that does not mean I reside under logs, "rassle" alligators, or say "where y'at" when asking for directions.

It does mean I am among a very special group of women, started by musician/singer/songwriter Beth McKee whom she met at her gigs.

The Swamp Sistas : a collection of women with diverse backgrounds, the arts, business, medicine.  You name the profession, and a Sista is most likely doing that work. But they are something more: they unite under the love of music, and they celebrate being a woman.  Not through protests or sit-ins, but through the glorious sounds of music and laughter.

The Swamp Sistas live fully. There is joy when they gather.  Music fills the air : blues, bluegrass, new grass, rock,  rock a billy, cajun...its all there

LALA festivals have begun to spring up: take Woodstock, subtract a few hundred thousand people,  then add more women performers, along with Sistas that create beautiful items to sell, and throw in great food.  Add a little Grateful Dead audience participation to the mix  (without the patchouli oil, actually I do believe I smelled it in the air, and I KNOW it was for sale at one of the vendors) and you may come somewhat close to where the LALA's are headed...
to barns in the country, open fields, or anyplace where they can easily set up for a day to dance, to sing, to laugh and rejoice in the sheer unity of SistaHood.

LALA's have already occurred in New Orleans, Orlando, and in North Carolina.  More are on the way.

If you are lucky enough to be a woman: you could be a Sista.

oh yes, men are welcome to attend the events: after all, Sistas love their lovers.

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